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Muhammad Fauzan Alimuddin, MBA
Muhammad Fauzan Alimuddin (Fauzan A.K.A Alfa) was born in Ujung Pandang/Makassar, Indonesia on 1st November 1992 into an Indonesian Academic, Business, Diplomat, and Religious Practician, Buginese Arabic and Dayaknese Chinese family. As the son of a Businessman, he lived in Jakarta, Makassar (another county in South Sulawesi), Australia, and New Zealand. Currently work As a Digital Marketing Manager, International Diplomacy Lecturer, and Digital Marketing Speaker for Students and SMEs at Gadjah Mada University, Glints, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Solo, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Lokpro, & Vistech Indonesia.
Throughout his life, Fauzan has had a mix of Buginese & Makassarnese, Islamic as well as Western education. He went to SD Panaikang II Makassar Elementary and IMMIM Boarding School & SMPN 3 Palopo Junior High School and completed his Senior High School in SMAN 5 Makassar. Subsequently, he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in International Communication from the London School of Public Relations(Jakarta, Indonesia), Sogang University (Seoul, South Korea) As an Exchange Student; a Master's Degree in Master Business Administration (MBA) from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) (Jakarta, Indonesia), and will take a Ph.D. in Public Diplomacy from the University of Southern California (California, USA).
He was inspired by his Grand Father Umar Hussein who served as an Indonesian Ambassador to Iraq (1993-1996) so Muhammad Fauzan Alimuddin challenged himself to join Indonesia’s Department of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) in 2016-2017, as An Intern Diplomat at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Wellington, New Zealand, and continues to work as an intern at The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) at Public Diplomacy department. After much consideration, he decided not to continue his diplomatic career.
Since 2011, Fauzan has been Actively Learning about Digital Marketing by practicing developing his family company by being in charge of Social Media Management for Property. He also took several courses related to Digital Marketing From Google and Revou and worked professionally at a Japanese Company as a Senior Digital Marketing Consultant for almost 5 years with Skilled in Fullstack Digital Marketing in various client industries B2C and B2B Clients, and various Digital Projects (Ads Placement, Social Media Ads (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Google Ads), Social Media Management, KOL Management, Media Publishers, Apps Install Ads, Website Development, Conversions/Leads Ads, SEO & ASO, Digital PR, etc. Now he is working on his own Digital Agency at Gemilang Creativindo as an Agency Director. Also, he professionally serves a brand as a Digital Marketing Manager.
Besides his activities developing Networking and Skills, he was also an activist in International Relations Organizations such as FPCI (Foreign Policy Community Indonesia), Pengurus Besar Ikatan Kekeluargaan Mahasiswa Sulawesi Selatan as Head of the International Relations Division, ASEAN GAMES 2018 International Relations and Protocol Leader, Founder ITS Model United Nations, and Bali Democracy Student Community Committee in 2017. Also, he developed the website Fauzan today actively being an International Relations and Diplomacy Lecturer at London School of Public Relations Jakarta.